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Results for:  OAI - (8 total)

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Ref ID: 63 Conference Proceedings, 1 of 8
Title | 
Integrating Metadata Schema Registries with Digital Preservation Systems to Support Interoperability: A Proposal
Author(s) | 
Availability  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; preservation ; BAC ; DC ; LOM ; METS ; OAI ; OAIS ; RKMS ; XML ; academic ; digital preservation ; hypothetical ; archivists ; recordkeeping professionals ; industry best practices ; scholarly ;

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Ref ID: 192 Electronic Journal, 2 of 8
Title | 
The Dublin Core Metadata Inititiative: Mission, Current Activities, and Future Directions
Author(s) | 
Source  | 
Descriptors | 
description ; DC ; GILS ; OAI ; RDF ; Z39.50 ; standards organization ; overview ; practical ; archivists ; librarians ; recordkeeping professionals ; standard ;

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Ref ID: 143 Electronic Journal, 3 of 8
Title | 
Buckets: A new digital technology for preserving NASA research
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
preservation ; description ; OAI ; MARC ; academic ; government ; software ; government employees ; archivists ;

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Ref ID: 77 Electronic Journal, 4 of 8
Title | 
Metadata Principles and Practicalities
Author(s) | 
Source  | 
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; educational ; DCMI ; W3C-DTF ; LOM ; OAI ; academic ; overview ; academics ;

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Ref ID: 41 Electronic Journal, 5 of 8
Title | 
OAI and its value to the cultural heritage sector
Author(s) | 
Source  | 
Descriptors | 
administration ; description ; OAI ; DC ; academic ; standardization ; practical ; academics ;

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Ref ID: 20 Electronic Journal, 6 of 8
Title | 
A Spectrum of Interoperability: The Site for Science Prototype for the NSDL
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
educational ; procedural ; technical ; SGML ; XML ; OAI ; MARC ; DC ; FGCD ; GILS ; EAD ; academic ; digital libraries ; standardization ; academics ; librarians ; archivists ;

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Ref ID: 106 Report, 7 of 8
Title | 
D6.2 Impact on World-wide Metadata Standards Report
Author(s) | 
Links  | ....
Descriptors | 
description ; DC ; OAI ; RDF ; XML ; Z39.50SIG ; overview ; museum ; consortium ;

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Ref ID: 84 Web Page, 8 of 8
Title | 
METS : Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
description ; DC ; EAD ; TEI ; OAI ; CEDARS ; MARC ; academic ; overview ; librarians ;


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