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Ref ID: 174 Electronic Journal, 1 of 3
Title | 
Metadata: The right approach, An integrated model for descriptive and rights metadata in E-commerce
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; procedural ; rights management ; use ; ISRC ; ISAN ; ISWC ; DOI ; RDF ; XML ; consultant ; electronic rights management ; professionals ; industry best practices ;

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Ref ID: 82 Web Page, 2 of 3
Title | 
Towards a Digital Rights Expression Language Standard for Learning Technology
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
rights management ; XML ; XrML ; ODRL ; DOI ; OeB ; professional ; practical ; electronic rights management ; standardization ; academics ; professionals ; systems ;

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Ref ID: 67 Web Page, 3 of 3
Title | 
Metadata for preservation : CEDARS project document AIW01
Author(s) | 
Source  |
Descriptors | 
administration ; preservation ; rights management ; academic ; CEDARS ; DC ; ISAD[G] ; DOI ; OAIS ; ISO ; PANDORA ; XML ; SGML ; annotated bibliography ; archival studies ; digital archives ; digital libraries ; digital preservation ; electronic rights management ; academics ; archivists ; librarians ; overview ; institutional best practices ;


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